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A Day in the Life of our Kitchen Installation Project Managers

Chris Turnbull

A Day in the Life of our Kitchen Installation Project Managers

At Nicholas Hythe, we understand that renovating your kitchen, utility, or home office can be a daunting task. As Cambridgeshire’s only Trading Standards approved kitchen designers and installers, we are committed to making the process as simple, efficient, safe, and stress-free as possible for our clients seeking to improve their family’s home. Where clients have agreed to us undertaking either their whole refurbishment project or just the kitchen installation, the role of our kitchen installation project managers is pivotal  in delivering on our core principle and ensuring clients end up with the kitchen they’d dreamed of so we thought we’d give you an idea of a day in the life of our kitchen installation project managers.

So what does a ‘typical’ day look like for our guys?

  1. Planning and Coordination

After the contract has been signed and long before any work begins, they meet with the client to understand their needs, answer questions, and thoroughly inspect the space. This comprehensive approach allows them to recheck measurements, assess the project’s timeline, and update our operations team and the contractors accordingly.

  1. Team Leadership

Coordinating multiple teams, potentially including plumbers, electricians, decorators and, of course, the fitters, amongst others, requires effective leadership. Our project managers guide and communicate with the various contractors, ensuring everyone works cohesively, stays on schedule, and promptly addresses any challenges that may arise.

  1. Quality Assurance

Maintaining high-quality standards is a priority in every kitchen installation project we undertake. Our project managers oversee the work at each stage, ensuring all tasks meet the required standards. Regular inspections and quality checks help identify and resolve potential issues early on, minimising potential delays and costly (for us!) reworks.

  1. Health and Safety Compliance

Safety is never compromised in our kitchen installation projects. Our project managers ensure that all contractors adhere to health and safety regulations and possess the necessary certifications. As well as providing you, the client, with safety advice, they meticulously review contractors’ safety measures, including the use of protective equipment, to minimise the risk of accidents and injuries on-site to themselves while protecting you and your family.

  1. Problem Solving

Every project faces challenges, and our project managers have to be skilled in problem-solving. When unexpected issues arise, they’re there to assess the situation, devise practical solutions, and communicate them swiftly to keep the project on track.

  1. Client Communication

Maintaining transparent communication with our clients is at the core of our success. The role of our kitchen installation project managers is to provide regular updates on each project’s progress, addresses any concerns clients may have, and manages expectations effectively. This open dialogue is critical in fostering trust between all parties and can lead to positive referrals and future business opportunities.


So, hopefully. this a day in the life of our kitchen installation project managers article, shows what an invaluable asset they are in bringing our clients’ visions to life. From meticulous planning to ensuring top-quality work and client satisfaction, their multi-faceted responsibilities contribute significantly to successful project outcomes. So now you know what the management of a kitchen refurbishment looks like, don’t leave it to chance and trust in the expertise of our team for the promised efficient, safe, and stress-free installation


At Nicholas Hythe, our aim is to make the property renovation process as simple, efficient, safe and stress free for clients wanting to improve their family’s home. So, when you’re ready, why not book an appointment with us, free and with no-obligation?