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Energy-Efficient Kitchen Appliances – Save Money and the Planet

As the cost of living continues to rise, finding ways to save money becomes a top priority for many households. However, at the same time, many of our clients are concerned about the impact of their choices on the environment. When buying a new fitted kitchen and investing in energy-efficient kitchen appliances, homeowners can achieve… read more

Safety by Design: How Good Ergonomics Enhance Your Kitchen

The importance of safety and ergonomics in kitchen design is not normally at the forefront of most clients’ minds in the excitement of having a new kitchen!  However, for our designers – and why employing professionals when opting for a bespoke fitted kitchen – it’s crucial to prioritise the importance of safety and ergonomics in… read more

Stress-Free Kitchen Renovations – A Step-by-Step Guide

At Nicholas Hythe, we understand that renovating your kitchen, utility, or home office can be a daunting task. As Cambridgeshire’s only Trading Standards approved kitchen designers and installers, we seek to deliver on our core principle: to make the process as simple, efficient, safe, and stress-free kitchen installation as possible for clients which is why… read more

Why the Cheapest Kitchen Installer May Cost You More

Costs are rising for everything but choosing the cheapest kitchen installer may cost you more in the long run. Embarking on a kitchen renovation project is an exciting endeavour for homeowners. However, the decision-making process can be overwhelming, especially in the midst of the current cost of living crisis. With rising prices and financial pressures,… read more

Kitchen Island or Peninsula: Making the Right Choice

Kitchen Island or Peninsula? Struggling to decide between a kitchen island and a peninsula? This guide explores the pros and cons of each to help you make the right choice. If you’re considering a kitchen renovation and thinking ‘I’d love a kitchen island!’, this article is for you. Why? Because, islands are not suitable for… read more

Thinking about buying an air fryer?

If you’re thinking about buying an air fryer, it’s easy to be swayed by the endless PR about the benefits of using them. In reality, there are several factors to consider and as the Guardian article Don’t let Big Air Fryer fool you: six everyday oven cooking hacks neatly points out, many of the benefits… read more

Health & Safety During Home Renovations: Your Safety Blueprint

Health & Safety During Home Renovations We understand there’s a natural level of curiosity and excitement about the works we’re undertaking for our clients, but health and safety during home renovations in clients’ homes is an area of genuine concern. Nicholas Hythe is committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces for all its employees, contractors,… read more

The Benefits of Induction Cooking

With the seemingly inexorable rise in energy prices, initially due to increased demand as fewer lockdowns worldwide drove demand and, most recently, the war in Ukraine affecting supply, it’s time we talked about the benefits of induction cooking versus conventional methods. What is induction cooking? First off, the basics! An induction hob creates a magnetic… read more

Eight facts about Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design

With so many kitchen design companies to choose from, picking the right one for you may seem a bit like trusting to luck.  So, to help make your decision that little bit easier, here are eight facts we bet you didn’t know about Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio: When we say we’re proud to be… read more

What to ask yourself when buying a new kitchen?

Choosing a new kitchen is both an exciting, but challenging process. Start by thinking about ‘What to ask yourself when buying a new kitchen?’.  And, if you’re looking for guidance, we can help 1. How do you want your new kitchen space to be used? The first of the six questions to ask when buying… read more