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The importance of trust in deciding who to buy your new kitchen from

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved” ― George MacDonald (Scottish author and poet) Let’s face it, the kitchen industry doesn’t have the greatest reputation!  People looking to invest in their home are naturally wary of who they’re dealing with and who they can trust to deliver a job well done – Bill,… read more

Learning the lessons from losing a kitchen contract

“A loss does more to make me a better lawyer than any win could ever hope to do”.  Matt Brown, a defence attorney in the USA. OK, as an opening line to a blog about a change we’ve made to our kitchen website, that quote might, at first glance, appear random!  Visitors to our website,… read more

What’s the difference between good and great kitchen design?

At Nicholas Hythe we believe great design marries the beautiful and the practical to create the perfect dream kitchen for a client.  It’s not all about the look (important as that is) but it’s about individual requirements, practicality and ergonomics.   On top of that, and perhaps most importantly, we listen intently to a potential client’s… read more

So, what does make Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio different?

In a competitive market such as the new fitted kitchens one in which we operate, there’s one question asked by virtually every potential client.  It can be asked outright or very subtly but the pretext is the same: “why should we use Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio?” And it’s a good question because each time… read more

What you secretly need to know when buying a new kitchen!

Everybody we speak to about what we do, friends, neighbours, clients, everybody reading this blog will have experienced or heard about the kitchen company from hell.  Stories about poor fits, leaky plumbing – you name it we’ve probably heard it. And despite the fact that often all we can do is sympathise, such stories are… read more

How much should you spend updating your kitchen?

The number eight. At first, it appears to be an unassuming number – until you realise the importance of it to the entire world around us. It’s the number that ensures that we humans exist (it’s the atomic number of oxygen and the number of known B vitamins); it can be a force for good… read more

The death of the superstore

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the ‘death of the High Street’ caused, in part, by the growth of out of town shopping centres and large format retailers. For as long as I’ve been working there seems to have been an exponential growth of large format retailers such as the supermarkets, DIY sheds,… read more

Kitchen suppliers and retailers working together to fight the economic gloom

Owing to the many years Bill, my brother, co-owner and fount of all knowledge about kitchens, has spent working in the kitchen industry, he’s developed many contacts with suppliers who look to him for information and analysis about what customer trends are happening and how they can grow their own businesess in line with the… read more

My kitchen epiphany

Attending a business networking meeting recently the attendees were asked how many wrote blogs? Proudly I put up my hand and, of the few of us who had, I was asked why. Good question! Before being asked it I would have immediately answered ‘it helps with search engine rankings’. Whilst true (it can help but… read more

Architects and house builders should design houses their customers want

The ongoing debate about the lack of available, affordable housing continues with the Royal Institute of British Architects claiming that new houses are‘shameful shoebox homes’ because the average size is 8% smaller than the recommended minimum .  Predictably, the House Builders Federation has responded by saying that larger homes would be even more unaffordable for buyers… read more