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Being a local retailer means more than opening a shop!

Chris Turnbull

Being a local retailer means more than opening a shop!

Yes, we design and sell new kitchens to clients – it’s how we make our living – but we have also long-recognised our responsibilities to the communities in which we are involved and want them to thrive and have a sense of coming together. To us, that means more than just where we set up shop. It also means we look to source 90% of the products and services in the UK and locally – thereby creating jobs for companies and their employees in our region and others.

Where we can we’ve also looked to help local good causes and initiatives that benefit the communities in which we trade.  Our latest initiative has seen us team up to raise funds for Huntingdonshire-based children’s charity ‘dreamdrops’.  ‘Dreamdrops’ aims to raise money to make a real difference to children and families who use hospital or specialist children’s health facilities in Huntingdonshire.  Money raised supports those extras that are not covered by public funds but which make using health service more tolerable for children and their families.

Because we want to keep our prices as competitive as possible we don’t have big marketing budgets but where we can help, we really want to. In the past we’ve helped other small charities raise funds by running activities such as children’s colouring competitions and cupcake decorating events and invited local people to buy the end results”

This time we’re hoping to appeal to a wider audience – and therefore raise more funds – by using facebook.  During May we’ll donate £1 for every ‘like’ we receive at and one lucky entrant will win a genuine Barclays Man of the Match magnum of champagne (over 18s only of course!) – just like those given to Premiership footballers every week.  ‘Likers’ will also be given the opportunity to donate to ‘dreamdrops’ via their ‘justgiving’ page at to hopefully raise awareness and more money for this fantastic charity.

We’re not unique in supporting local causes but we do truly believe it’s incumbent on all business to help good causes wherever they can – and if more business results because the use of technology like facebook – that’s the proverbial ‘win win’.