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Cambridgeshire’s Most Trusted Kitchen Company


Cambridgeshire’s Most Trusted Kitchen Company

Announcing Our Latest Achievement

We are thrilled to announce a significant achievement of which we at Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio are very proud. After a rigorous evaluation process involving an array of businesses across the UK, SME News has honoured us with the title of Cambridgeshire’s Most Trusted Kitchen Company in their prestigious seventh annual UK Enterprise Awards.

Recognition of Excellence

This recognition is an acknowledgment of the trust and confidence our customers place in us. As Cambridgeshire’s only Trading Standards Approved kitchen designers and installers, this award highlights our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

A Rigorous Selection Process

The UK Enterprise Awards, hosted by SME News, is known for its meticulous selection process. The awards aim to spotlight the brightest and most reliable entities across the UK’s diverse business landscape. This year’s competition was intense, with numerous businesses vying for the coveted titles.

Feedback That Fuels Our Success

Our journey to this award began with a detailed nomination process that thoroughly examined various aspects of our business. The SME News research and judging teams meticulously reviewed all the information we provided during the nomination, along with their dedicated research. This comprehensive evaluation process made sure to recognize only the most deserving businesses.

Our Commitment to Client Satisfaction

One of the critical areas of assessment was our interaction with clients and the quality of feedback we received. Client reviews and testimonials played a pivotal role in demonstrating the most important perspective—that of our customers. This feedback informed the judges about our performance and also underscored our commitment to maintaining high standards of service and customer care.

Continuing to Serve with Excellence

As a bespoke kitchen design and installation company, we understand the importance of trust and reliability in our industry. We tailor every kitchen design and installation to meet the unique needs and preferences of our clients, ensuring that each project reflects the individuality of its owner. This Cambridgeshire’s Most Trusted Kitchen Company award reaffirms our resolve to continue providing exceptional service and innovative kitchen solutions.

Thank You for Your Support

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our customers, partners, and the entire team at Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio. Without your support, this achievement would not have been possible. Your trust and satisfaction are what drive us to go above and beyond every day.

Looking Forward

Looking forward, we remain committed to upholding the standards that earned us the prestigious title of ‘Most Trusted Bespoke Kitchen Design & Installation Company 2024 – Cambridgeshire’. We will continue to innovate, improve, and serve our community with the same dedication that has become synonymous with us.

Celebrating Continued Excellence

So, thank you once again to SME News and everyone who has supported us on this journey. We look forward to bringing more bespoke, beautiful, and functional kitchens to homes across Cambridgeshire. As we acknowledge the award, we’d love to  help you make your kitchen dreams a reality. And, if you had a design from any of our competitors that you’d like a genuinely complimentary design check, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.