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Enjoy what’s important during COVID-19

Chris Turnbull

Enjoy what’s important during COVID-19

There’s been little to celebrate since COVID-19 began its relentless march across the world. The ever-increasing death toll, the restrictions on what we would previously thought of as our inalienable rights; the right to go where we please when we want and to see who we want; to go to work and provide for our families. Rights all currently heavily curtailed

Enjoy what’s important during COVID-19

But, for many, there have been a few bright spots that have been ‘forced’ upon us during these past few weeks. The chance and time to exercise daily and to sleep more and not feel perpetually tired is bound to have benefits

And, arguably the most important, the chance to consider, appreciate and reconnect close relationships with our families.  No concerns about having to be somewhere or meet work commitments or an arbitrary deadline. Our family is fortunate. My brother and I work together, having formed Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio back during the last worldwide crisis, the financial one of 2008.

And before lockdown, mum and I travelled on holiday together extensively.  I also stay with her for a couple of nights a week when travelling up to work at our offices and showroom in St Ives. It wasn’t always like this. Although we talked regularly, before joining the family business last year, my career since leaving home has largely centred around London. And, with my wife and I living 125 miles from her in West Sussex, meeting up with her was infrequent. COVID-19 has, temporarily, forced us 125 miles apart again but thanks to WhatsApp video calls, we’re staying in touch frequently

The amount of quality time you have left isn’t as long as you think

This ‘forced’ reconnection of families not as fortunate as ours has been explored in an interesting short blog by popular American internet blogger, Tim Urban. His calculation resonated with me because it mirrored mine and so many other families’ experiences. He calculates that since leaving home, he’s probably seen his parents an average of only five times a year each.  Based on an average of maybe two days each time and 10 days a year this adds up to about 3% of the days he spent with them each year of his childhood.

If they were to live to be 90 it would give him about 30 more years of coexistence. If the ten days a year thing holds, that’s 300 days left to meet with his parents. This, he calculates, is less time than he spent with them in any one of his first 18 years. Since leaving school at 18, he calculates he’s already used up 93% of his in-person parent time!

Quality time with those you love somewhere you feel secure is what matters.

For all the horrors COVID-19 is wreaking, parents in particular should enjoy this time with their children. Home and relationships are being more valued for the love, comfort and stability they help bring. Quality time with those you love somewhere you feel secure is what matters.Our blog about what kitchens may look like in the future can be found here

And it’s unlikely you’ll ever have as many consecutive meals together as a family in your lifetime ever again!