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The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying a New Kitchen: Top 10 Tips to Navigate Your Renovation

Chris Turnbull

The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying a New Kitchen: Top 10 Tips to Navigate Your Renovation

Introduction: Read our top 10 tips on what to and not do when buying a new kitchen

Purchasing and installing a new fitted kitchen is an exciting project that should, if done well, transform your home. However, it can also be a source of anxiety, as it’s a big investment that you don’t want to get wrong. To help you navigate this process successfully and protect yourself from potential issues, we’ve compiled these top 10 tips on what to and not do when buying a new kitchen, ensuring a smooth, hopefully stress-free experience from start to finish.


  1. Set a Budget:

Begin by establishing a realistic budget, identifying your ‘must haves’ and ‘nice to haves’ depending on costs. A reputable company will help you consider the cost of materials, appliances and the likely tradespeople required. You’re also be more likely to end up with what you want or at least be aware of the compromises you may have to make to keep within budget. Doing this will provide a solid foundation, keep you on track and budget for the rest of the project.

  1. Research and Find Reliable Companies:

Spend time researching different companies and seek recommendations from trusted sources. Look for references from people that have used them previously, those with positive reviews, length of time in business, necessary credentials and membership of reputable consumer organisations or trade bodies. Obtaining binding quotes and not just estimates will help you compare like-for-like services and prices.

  1. Read and Understand Contracts:

Before signing any contracts, carefully review them and ensure that all agreed-upon details are included. Pay attention to payment terms, project milestones, warranties, and termination clauses. Clarify any ambiguities or concerns before proceeding.

  1. Monitor Progress and Communicate:

Monitor progress and maintain open communication with your chosen company. Address any concerns or changes promptly to avoid misunderstandings. Active involvement will help keep the project on track and avoid unexpected costs.

  1. Keep Documentation:

Maintain a record of all project-related documents, including contracts, invoices, receipts, and warranties. This documentation will serve as valuable references and provide recourse in case of any issues later on.


  1. Rush the Decision:

Avoid making hasty decisions without thorough research and planning. Take the time to explore various designs, layouts, and styles that align with your tastes and needs. Rushing can lead to  choices you may soon regret.

  1. Pay in Full Upfront:

Never pay the full amount upfront before the work has begun or without proper contractual agreements. Doing so puts you at risk of potential scams or subpar work. Set up a payment schedule based on project milestones instead.

  1. Overlook Credentials and References:

Don’t overlook the importance of verifying the the companies on your shortlist. If you know anybody who’s dealt with the company before, contact them and inquire about their experience.

  1. Neglect Clear Communication:

Clear communication is crucial throughout the project. Failing to communicate your expectations, concerns, or changes in plans may result in misunderstandings or unsatisfactory outcomes. Maintain open lines of communication with your chosen company, especially the person responsible for managing the whole project.

  1. Ignore Warranties and Guarantees:

Ensure that all warranties and guarantees are clearly provided. Not obtaining guarantees for workmanship, materials, and appliances may leave you responsible for fixing or replacing faulty items.


As with any big decision, purchasing and installing a new fitted kitchen can be a rewarding experience if approached with caution and preparation. By following these top 10 tips on what to and not do when buying a new kitchen, you can minimise the chances of making decisions you may later regret, likely costing you a lot of money to correct or replace. Remember to set a budget, research different companies, read contracts carefully, communicate openly, and keep proper documentation. With careful planning and proactive involvement on both sides, expectations are met that will deliver a kitchen renovation that brings joy and value to your home.


At Nicholas Hythe, Cambridgeshire’s only Trading Standards approved kitchen designers and installers, our aim is to make the property renovation process as simple, efficient, safe and stress free for clients wanting to improve their family’s home. So, when you’re ready, why not book an appointment with us, free and with no-obligation?