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Trading Standards’ Buy with Confidence scheme

Chris Turnbull

Trading Standards’ Buy with Confidence scheme

What is the Trading Standards’ Buy with Confidence scheme?

Nicholas Hythe is proud to announce that it has been accepted as a member of Trading Standards’ Buy with Confidence scheme.

The Buy with Confidence scheme is a partnership of Local Authority Trading Standards Services regarding consumers concerns about ‘rogue traders’. The scheme provides consumers with a list of businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly. Every business listed has undergone a series of rigorous checks by professionally qualified Trading Standards staff before being approved.

What did we prove to be accepted?

The rigorous application process required us to provide evidence of:

  • All customer facing employees having had a recent DBS check
  • Fair and legally compliant terms and conditions
  • Recent customer references for Trading Standards to contact and validate
  • A detailed customer complaints policy and complaints handling process
  • Proof of employee training
  • A valid, up-to-date privacy notice and proof of data protection training
  • Details of the guarantees we provide
  • A health & safety statement and a programme of regular safety checks on and off our premises, including in clients’ homes
  • Our accident and near miss reporting policies
  • Up to date Employers’ and Public Liability insurance
  • Our vigilance with regards to modern day slavery in our supply chain

The process took nearly four months from start to finish.  Along the way it forced us to review all areas of our business to ensure we could hold membership status.

An exclusive club!

At the time of writing, according to Trading Standards search engine, Nicholas Hythe is the only kitchen design and installation member in Cambridgeshire. In fact, the Buy with Confidence scheme has only four kitchen retailer members in the east of England. And, across the country, there’s only about a dozen members who provide the entire design and installation service. An exclusive club indeed!

So, why did we want to be members?

We fully expect the ‘Buy with Confidence Trading Standards Approved’ stamp to provide potential clients with the confidence we’re a business that takes fair trading seriously. In these most difficult of times, people investing their hard earned money in their homes need to feel reassured that they’re doing so with a company that’s been thoroughly vetted. And not just by a trade organisation or recommendation website, but by Trading Standards.

Membership, we believe, will differentiate us from our local and national competitors.  And, it will help people looking for a trustworthy partner to undertake their kitchen or home renovation, find and decide upon us


At Nicholas Hythe, our aim is to make the property renovation process as simple, efficient, safe and stress free for clients wanting to improve their family’s home. So, if you’re inspired and ready to start the process of buying a new kitchen, start thinking about what it might look like and how you want to use it. Ask yourself, what do you need and want for it to function for you and your family?  If you need help on deciding what style to go for, check out kitchen designs that never go out of style. Advice and design ideas are also found all over the Web, including Nicholas Hythe kitchen pictures gallery, our entire picture library and customer reviews on Google, and many other sites such as PinterestHouzz. Or check out our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube

Then when you’re ready, why not book an appointment with us, free and with no-obligation?