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Lessons the low cost airlines could learn from fitted kitchen retailers

I read with interest that the perennial news story about credit and debit charges levied by businesses and, in particular the low cost airlines, has resurfaced as the OFT’s consultation on the issue comes to an end. This isn’t the first time that the airlines have been criticised for their lack of transparency and fairness in… read more

'Tis the season to be ordering your new kitchen…fa la la la

So that’s the long summer holidays over with for another year and I can hear the cheers (or is it sighs of relief?) of many parents and grandparents throughout the country! Only joking!   If, like us, it’s been great to enjoy a glass of wine well into the long summer nights,  spend some quality time… read more

Does your chosen kitchen fitter actually fit kitchens?

The reality of Moben’s demise earlier this year – and the impact on the lives of so many kitchen fitters (and their families) that they used to employ – is now, for us, becoming a reality.  Over the past few weeks we’ve had several enquiries from fitters asking about any jobs we may have available…. read more

Cheap kitchens don't have to be poor kitchens

Unsurprisingly in today’s tough economic climate, every customer we’re lucky enough to talk to is after the best-priced new kitchen they can find for their hard-earned money.   I choose the phrase ‘best-priced kitchen’ rather than ‘cheap kitchen’ because, having seen three clients this week each one has had a view in terms of what the… read more

The Apple equivalent of the fitted kitchens market?

With the worldwide economy continuing to contract as consumers and businesses rein in any discretionary income they have – something as retailers of new fitted kitchens we’re heavily reliant on – I’m struck by two news stories that have come out over the past week about Apple and Sony and how they’re each reacting to… read more

Will the riots herald the rebirth of community spirit?

As I sat and watched the news last night, aghast at the devastation being wrought, it was the human stories – the ones that the rioters care not one jot about – that really struck home. As an independent kitchen retailer the news story that really resonated with me was the fire at the ‘House of… read more

Are SMEs hiding their light under a bushel?

In the latest of a series of occasional guest blogs written by Kieron Hayes, friend of Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio, he looks at the concept of ‘Community’ rather than ‘Corporate’ Social Responsibility and shows how small businesses can turn what they’re already doing into a way of helping grow their business. It’s been  around since the 60s… read more

See your new kitchen before paying a penny!

Running a small business means everybody in the team has to be prepared to get stuck in when required.  Whilst there is – and has to be – a decision-making hierarchy, nobody in the Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio world is allowed to think that any job needing doing is beneath them! As a result one of the roles… read more

What's in a fitted kitchen company's name?

As regular readers of our blogs know, we’re big fans of technology – especially if it can help make lives easier, interesting or more fun.  As a result I ‘follow’ a number of Tweeters on Twitter who write about the subject (as well as kitchens of course!) and I came across an article from BusinessInsider that… read more

Jumping on a slow boat from China?

I’ve had two emails from kitchen suppliers in China during this past week.  One from an exotically named ‘Lolita’ and the other, I kid you not, from a ‘Bruce Lee’! Lolita’s email stated ‘We are specializing in manufacturing kitchen cabinet, wardrobe & bathroom cabinet in China, with good quality and competitive price’ before asking ‘Please contact us… read more