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Will Coronavirus affect the future of kitchen design?

Will Coronavirus affect the future of kitchen design? What effect will Coronavirus have on the future of kitchen design and the way people use their kitchens if this is the ‘new normal’? Many families will be finding their kitchen under pressure during lockdown and until some semblance of normality returns.  Will this ‘new normal’ see… read more

Is your kitchen ready for future lockdowns?

Is your kitchen feeling the pressure of the Coronavirus lockdown? Is your kitchen ready for future lockdowns? Families forced to live in reduced personal space is putting pressure on many homes – and particularly – kitchens. And, because nobody really knows how long the restrictions will last, pressures on the family home will be greater… read more

Coronavirus Planning at Nicholas Hythe Kitchens

Update 20th July 2020 As of 24th July, the government has mandated that people entering shops must wear a face covering or risk a fine of £100.  There is no distinction in the current guidance about shops with higher visitor numbers and those such as ours which offer appointment only visits. We are therefore required… read more

Kitchen Designs that never go out of style

Investing in a new kitchen is a big deal, regardless of your budget. Given that you’ll be spending significant time cooking, socialising, or simply enjoying your space, you’ll likely want to choose from kitchen designs that never go out of style and transcend passing trends. Let’s face it; nobody wants to redo their kitchen every… read more

Voted Best Showroom in Hunts is just the start

March was a big month for us at Nicholas Hythe Kitchen Design Studio here in St Ives! Firstly, due to the growth we continue to benefit from – certainly helped by industry ‘bible’ KBBreview magazine’s kind decision to vote us as their ‘Best Showroom in Huntingdon’ and nominate us as one of only four retailers… read more

Winning ‘Best Showroom in Huntingdonshire’ caps a great year

We’re not big on self-publicity; we’re more the type to keep our heads down and do a great job for our clients.  And because this year has been really busy, we initially missed the fact that we’d won the ‘Best Showroom in Huntingdonshire’ award from our industry’s leading magazine, Kbbreview (December 2014)! The mystery shopper… read more

Cambs' Neff 5* Master Partner

For many clients looking for a new kitchen quite often the most exciting part is choosing which appliances they’re going to have!  No longer is the choice as limited as it was back in the day (gas or electric, madam?!), now there’s a wealth from which to choose. Yes, cookers (gas, electric are still available… read more

I Want My New Kitchen Design Now…

Once people have made the decision to invest in a new fitted kitchen, they’re usually very keen to get the project underway.  What may seem odd is that we often have to rein potential clients back in so that we can listen and understand their wishes in order to create a design that will both… read more

What The New Kitchen January Sale Advertisements Don’t Tell You….

It’s the time of year when all the well-known home improvement retailers are advertising their sales for kitchens and other home improvements.  Whilst the headline prices they quote look attractive they are designed purely to draw you in before giving the unwary the whole story and final quote for the cost of that kitchen you… read more

Keeping children safe in the kitchen

In the first of two articles designed to offer ideas on how you can keep the more vulnerable members of your family safe in the kitchen, we present some features you may not have thought or be aware of that can reduce the risk and worry of accidents happening.  The first of these looks at… read more